At the young adult meeting on a Tuesday night, the guest speaker, Fr. Blunt, had some news to share with us. As a firm believer of the presence and power of Our Guardian Angels’ intercession, his opening statement as he came into the room was… “Why are your guardian angels hiding?” Everyone was in shock and trying to figure out what he was talking about. Some of us knew about our guardian angels from catholic school or our family traditions and beliefs, but others had no clue! As the moment of perplexity continued, he said, “I bet you do not pray to them. In fact, you do not even know their name.”

Personally, I was in shock and a little skeptical; how come he can see our guardian angels? That’s too personal! To give you a little bit of context, Fr. Blunt is an exorcist priest; God has bestowed upon him the responsibility to cast out demons in His name. He was not wrong. I had stopped praying to my guardian angel consistently as when I was a child. My devotion was reduced to specific moments when I needed someone to contact me immediately. I would always ask my guardian angel to talk to their guardian angel to nudge them to call me, and they would, every single time! However, our guardian angels can do so much more. Fr. Blunt believes that we can enter an intentional friendship with our guardian angels and even ask for their name. 

As one would assume, that night, I prayed to my guardian angel and asked to reveal his name to me…I am still skeptical, but pray that I can achieve the same conviction as the great Saints St. Padre Pio, Saint Francis of Assisi, and St. John Paul The Great had about their guardian angels. I wonder how things would become more manageable in my faith journey if I call upon its help more. It makes sense!

Guardian angels are messengers of God. They have called, announced, and guided the people of God throughout significant events in their faith journeys. 

Are not all angels ministering spirits sent to serve those who will inherit salvation?

Hebrews 1,14

Angels: our heavenly friends

The Catholic Church’s catechism states that From its beginning until death, human life is surrounded by their watchful care and intercession.

“Beside each believer stands an angel as protector and shepherd leading him to life.” Already here on earth, the Christian life shares by faith in the blessed company of angels and men united in God.

(CCC 336,202,203)

God desires as a good father, happiness, holiness, and abundant life for us. Through the intercession of our heavenly friends, our guardian angels, we can rest assured that with their protection and guidance, we will make it to our Home; we will meet in heaven. According to Fr. Blunt, we can start that special relationship and call it by its name. If you are not ready, your angel and God will meet you where you are. 

Why do Catholics pray to them? Because God desired so, and we receive the gifts and graces that God wants to share in His love for us; in this case, Our guardian friends.
