For a divine catholic St. Mary or Virgin Mary is an epitome of innocence, an embrace of warmth and love, and an all-day guardian by your side, a mother to lay your shoulders and cry.  The Catholic Church address and honor her in multitude ways, leading through different apparitions. St. Mary is the most devoted saint out of all the presented catholic figures and saints throughout the history, the primal reason being Mother Mary was the only chosen handpiece of Lord Almighty to send his one and only son to this world. Blessed was her womb to be chosen to give birth to the Savior of mankind. Words inadequate to explain St. Mary’s greatest aspiring life story that opens many spiritual avenues in one’s heart, creating a sense and sensibility towards greatest maternal love in the spectrum of mankind feelings. 

Being in a deep meditation spiritually tuning towards Santa Maria’s divine presence one can understand since her birth she carried a greater attachment towards God’s mission of saving the world from sin. St. Mary’s parents; St. Joachim & St. Anne lived a life with unfailing faith, despite being at old age and awing at the announcing of a child’s birth, Saints Anne & Joachim stood firm towards faith in God. St. Mary is a lady with pure chastity, it is believed that her birth is of Immaculate Conception, born free from the stain of original sin, as her barren parents conceived primarily through miraculous touch by God. It mainly led her to be chosen as the Mother of Savior, however St. Mary is a character one could dive deep, embrace, and enthrall till perfection. The world now pays a greater devotion to her, as most of the churches are consecrated to her name and protection, however her life was never a bed of roses. Being the mother of God is cool, in the eyes of the world, but Virgin Mary bore the greatest heartbreaks, sorrows, and despair throughout her life to fulfill God’s plan towards mankind. 

St. Joseph; Jesus’s legal father was an upright devoted man who walked extra miles for the protection of his little family. St. Mary’s life was a complete devotion to God, being announced of Jesus’ birth at early teenage years, her relationship with Joseph was challenged until God’s angel restored his confusions. Hard to admit that she enjoyed her young and mutual feelings as he was awarded with a severe responsibility at tender years. Virgin Mary became a flawless mother figure to Jesus and an admired life partner to St. Joseph. Mary; a character with bunches of innocence, divinity, dignity, and patience. Having to go a long mile finding a place to give birth to Jesus, look for baby Jesus throughout all over the streets of Jerusalem when he was twelve, see your only child being tortured to death & ultimately hold her sons’ dead body in her own bare hands are only a few of major heartbreaking incidents that mold St. Mary’s life. Despite her struggles, God gifted her with an extraordinary heart to express love to all mankind while bearing the pain and suffering. She was never angry against her sons’ persecutors, never hurt her loved ones, all what she carried herself was the purest form of love and affection. 

St. Mary was one of the greatest selfless character in Biblical history that sacrificed herself and the comforts all the time for the benefit of others. Walking miles and miles amidst rocky roads to visit her relative sister; Elizabeth carrying a baby in her womb herself, Virgin Mary was an unmatchable figure of sacrificial love and brethren. She was the greatest of all women on this earth, yet the most humble lady in the Catholic Church. One could fix their eyes on her and meditate for hours and hours whilst the songs of praise, rosary prayers and church catechisms harmonize on the background. Eyes filled with love and compassion, divine stature of flawless beauty. Life gets a touch of softness, tender, love and care with the Mother Mary’s divine gaze. 

St. Mary is non-ending spiritual figure of devotion spread all throughout the world from Lourdes, Fatima, Guadalupe and Velankanni are few of the major apparition places of worship converted as shrines by the Catholic Church, which attracts millions of devotees daily, those who expects and receive life changing miracles. Spend hours and days crying out pain in the heart looking at her innocent eyes. For these devotees Virgin Mary is the only source of love, happiness, help and reliance. St. Mary’s character is a robust foundation of Catholic Church that keep all pillars aligned in the faithful journey. Major differentiation between the Catholic Church and Reformed churches fellowship begins with the identification and worship towards Virgin Mary, however the majority of the world who are Catholics pay devotion to Mother Mary as much as and at times more than towards God. Especially in the religious traditions practiced in South Asian countries, devotion to Mother Mary is extraordinary, at times blindly over powering the devotion given to God. However, their innocent lives are always touched by the divinity of Virgin Mary, and that faith is strong enough to move mountains. 

One can be really versatile and thorough about Catholicism with no devotion to Mary, however it does not make that man a less religious or spiritual person, because true religion lies on the way we conduct ourselves. However, devoutness towards Mother Mary could take you to unfathomable paths and protect you from wild human traps in life. Wearing Mother Mary’s protection in the form of a rosary is an added spiritual sensibility that controls one’s life. For a person that seek for calmness, tranquility, humility, humbleness and fear of God in life, Virgin Mary is the best role model to embrace. In her presence there is warmth, calmness, love and care. By her divinity many lives have changed all for good, she is the divine light for lives haunting in the dark, the consoler for secret tears that fall unseen by anyone, the quintessence of spiritual satisfaction. Mother Mary is a true emblem of purest form of love for all Christian, if you still have not embraced that love, sing to her as James Kilbane once sang, “Ave Maria, Gratia Plena, Dominus tecum, Benedicta tu”
